A small bump in the Wine Event

We've been talking about our wine event for many months and we took a small break during the Great Strides walk season.  We got back into it this week and encountered our first bump in the event.  It seems the restaurant we had booked for the event has gone under due to the economy.  They called the CFF office and refunded the money that was put down as a deposit, but now we are left with no location.  Trisha and I are heading out tonight for our anniversary and we plan on checking out a few other places in the same area.  This is just a minor hiccup, nothing we can't get around.  Stay tuned.

Presentation at Nektar

This last Friday, June 27, Colin, his sister Megan, his mom, and I went to visit his uncle Kevin at work in San Carlos, CA.  Kevin works at Nektar, which develops Tobi Inhaled Powder and Cipro Inhaled Powder.  Kevin set up an opportunity for us to present what it's like to live a day in Colin's life.  About 50 people showed up and listened to us tell Colin's story and the story of how we got involved in and continue to be involved in CFF fund raising.  When we were done, Colin got up and tried on his vest for everyone to see.  They asked a number of great questions related to things we have tried for Colin and how the work they are doing might help Colin and us.  They also had a few suggestions on things to look into for him, such as some basic yoga moves.  We'll have to check into that.  We had a great time giving the speech and hope to be able to go back in a year or two for some updates. Later that day, Colin came down with a fever and general sickness that one of his sisters passed to him, so we at least know why he wasn't his cheerful self in the presentation.  He got over it within the day and got to enjoy the rest of our San Francisco trip.