Catching up...

Another huge delay from me in updating this site. I've been doing more than writing. What has happened since December?

The Naperville wine event was closed out and was very successful. We actually just just started planning for the 2009 event and may have found the venue yesterday. Stay tuned.

Poker is underway. I spent a lot of time this year talking to other charities and how they do their tournaments. Picked up a few tips and a lot of great contacts. Learned a few laws along the way too. This year's CFF Casino Chicago is April 4th.

Walk talks have started. We had the first one at our house about a month ago. A couple new committee members. Not much to report yet.

CFF will be in the South Side St. Patty's Day parade again this year. For the first time in years it sounds like a number of people will actually come out for it. We had a dismal showing for a few years after we were grand marshal, which was a little embarrassing. Hopefully we come back strong this year.

Hopefully more updates to come. I find it easier to update Facebook and LinkedIn with events, so hopefully I can find an easy way to update this site as well. No clue if anyone even reads it, but maybe someday I'll have something interesting enough for people to come here regularly and read.