Uncork A Cure

Please join us on November 7, 2009 at Maggiano's in Naperville for our second annual Uncork-A-Cure benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. More info coming soon.

09/06/09 Update:  We now have tickets for sale online.  There's an early bird discount, so please go out today and buy your tickets at UncorkACure.com

Long overdue

Dear Family and Friends of Colin,

We wanted to take a moment to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support of Colin’s Clan and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This year the walk on June 13th raised over $17,000 in Colin’s name for research to find a cure. It started out a little rainy, but we had a super turnout at the walk site and then a very fun gathering at our house that evening. Thank you all for coming out and supporting us in person and online. We are absolutely touched that you have made our cause one of your own, many of you even reaching out to your friends and family. We really do appreciate it and we continue to be in awe of all the generous people we know.

Your donations really are making a difference, allowing the researchers at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to achieve so much. This year the drug VX 770 advanced to FDA phase three trials, meaning people living with cf tried the drug and saw a drastic improvement in the symptoms of cf after only two weeks of taking it. We are THISCLOSE to a cure, but there still is work to be done and we will continue working hard until we get there.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the fantastic people who attended our first annual wine event this past November at Tango. It was a HUGE success, and the net profit of the night was over $36,000! We all had a great time and we are looking forward to kicking off to the holiday season this year when we bring the event back at Maggiano’s on Diehl in Naperville on Saturday, November 7, 2009. We love being with all of you at our events and having you with us on the journey to find a cure.

Colin is doing well and has just started a full day of school in first grade. He loves his teacher and is really digging all the time on the playground. He is about to start another year of soccer and is thinking about taking up swimming with his big sister. We are working through all of the kinks to get Colin through the full day of school with all of the medicines and treatments he does before, during and after school and trying to keep a handle on the most important part of his day, EATING. We are praying for a healthy fall, winter and spring season.

We want you all to know that you really are the best family and friends that anyone could ever ask for. We are forever honored and grateful for the amazing generosity you continuously show in our son’s name. Despite this uncertain economy, you came out in great numbers over the past year to support the many events we hold to raise money and awareness to help find a CURE for Cystic fibrosis.

Thank you and please keep the Save the Date postcard handy if you are a wine enthusiast or just like to come to a fun night out. We are deep in the planning stages for this event and if you can help in any way we truly appreciate it.

Thanks again,
Trisha, Chris, Colin, Allison and Megan Walsh