This gets the point across

I don't repost a lot on this blog, but this video really gets the point across very well.

2010 Great Strides Walk

We would like to invite you to come out to our annual walk for Cystic Fibrosis in honor of our son Colin. This year we are participating in our eighth walk to help find a cure for CF. Many things have changed since last year. First of all the date for our walk is in May this year. The walk will take place on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at the Naperville Riverwalk with an evening party option at our home as well.

The other big change this year is that we exhausted all of our attempts and options to help Colin to gain and maintain a healthy weight. After three long years of apprehension, we decided to take our doctor’s recommendation. Colin had a surgery this past November to insert a permanent feeding tube in his stomach. He now receives nightly feedings that amount to over 700 additional calories. The most exciting news for us is that this surgery and his recovery went very well and Colin has gained over 5lbs since November! The feeding tube adds quite a bit of work and time to Colin’s already busy routine of AM and PM treatments, medicines and therapies. However, we know we made the right decision and we are grateful that this technology and treatment is available to help our son.

The technology and treatments are what brings us to writing this very important letter and pleading for your continued help and support. Many important advancements and great strides in research have been made this past year because of your generous donations. However, there still is no cure for cystic fibrosis and we still need your help.

As always, we would love to see you out at the Naperville walk site. It is a really fun family day. If you cannot make it there come out to our house any time on the 22nd of May after 5pm. Most importantly, please donate whatever you can to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation under Colin’s Clan to help find a cure.

Colin has really grown up a lot. He cannot wait for his soccer season to start and is having a great year in first grade. He loves school and has become quite the reader and writer! He also is really starting to become aware of all the amazing people who continue to work towards finding a cure for cf!!

Thank you in advance and we can’t wait to celebrate the advancements in CF research made possible by all of you. Please donate and help us find an end to this disease. Thank you so very much.

1. Online Donations (Press Click to Donate at the bottom)

2. Join our team (5/22 at Riverwalk Grand Pavilion) and donate at the walk (Press Join My Team at the bottom)

3. Come to our party and donate there. (Email me for info)

More Info:

Thank you so very much,

The Walsh Family Chris, Trisha, Allison, Megan, and Colin