Huge day for cystic fibrosis

Today is a huge day in the fight to cure cystic fibrosis.  This morning, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundaiton and Vertex announced that the Phase 2a trials of VX-770 have shown positive results in targeting the basic defect in cystic fibrosis.  This is HUGE.  This is the first time ever where a drug has shown results that actually reduced the chloride levels in sweat tests.  As with all news like this, the Foundation cautions people to be "cautiously optimistic", but just the fact that something like this exists is exciting.  Even if it fails, they have a base to build on for future drugs.  It's coming!

 Whenever I hear of things like this, I think about what a few of the volunteers I talked to when we first got involved would always say: "You think this gala is a big party?  Just wait until the cure comes and we'll be throwing the biggest party people have ever seen."  Today has the feel like we should be picking out invitation designs.


  1. Very nice post ;) Added to favourites.

  2. Hi! I ran across your blog and I just wanted to tell you that you and your family/friends are doing an amazing job! Thank you so much for staying on the frontlines of fund-raising for CF!

  3. Hi! I stumbled across your blog after hearing about your family on HGTV. Your little boy is precious! My husband and I have a 7 month old boy with CF, so we were very excited to hear about the publicity and attention you brought to the cause. Thank you for all you do to help find a cure!
