Local School Hung Up over Fundraising

Principal Kevin Suchinski and the Hickory Creek Middle School in Frankfort, IL had a real hang up about raising funds for CFF this year, as you can see.  Mr. Suchinski promised the school that he would hang on the wall an entire day if they raised $5000 this year in their own walk at the school for CFF.  Colin's mother and father (Trisha and Chris) also promised to arrange for ice cream for the winning grade level.  After a successful May 23rd walk, on May 29th, Mr. Suchinski, Chris and Trisha Walsh all kept their promises to the school.  While Mr. Suchinski was stuck to the wall in the main foyer of the school, Colin's grandmother helped serve ice cream to 250 sixth graders.  Local newspapers covered the event and Mr. Suchinski's hope is that the online donations will continue to come in once the story runs this weekend.  


This all started four years ago when Colin's cousin Ashley attended Hickory Creek.  Her teacher at the time wanted to get the students involved in some social awareness and fundraising campaign and a paper Ashley had written on cf was the perfect springboard.  So, starting four years ago, when Colin was one, Trisha Walsh, along with Colin and his twin Megan, have given presentations to the school on what cf is and is not and have pumped up the school for their walk.  Since then, the walk has become a school-wide event and Principal Suchinski is now ready to push the concept to the rest of the school district and Colin and his family plan to be there to help.


This year, the school has raised about $4000 and money continues to come in.

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