Catching Up after a successful Wine Event

It's been a while since I posted anything. The wine event had us really busy and then it was right into the holidays. The wine event was a fantastic evening. Attendance wasn't what we had planned, but in hind-sight, this is a good thing. We had a packed room. The sommelier, Arthur Black, went out of his way to travel up from Indianapolis to be present for the event and give it some prestige. We had the opportunity to go out to dinner with him the night before and it was interesting and entertaining. I'm not a big wine lover myself, but the way he described the wines we tasted and the things he pointed out showed me a whole new side of wine. Back to the event, the turnout was great and the attendees were generous, which was a lt to ask given recent economic events. There were a couple of surprises in the Bid for a Cure following an amazing speech by Rosie Woods. Rosie is 45+ and has cf. Back when she was a child, she was the poster child for CFF one year. Like all parents at that time, hers were told she wouldn't see ten years old. At her age, it's a fantastic case for never giving up hope. Check out some pictures from that night.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.759958&w=425&h=350&]
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