Wine Event and Museum Event

We have a couple of events that we are working on for the Naperville area.  The first will be a wine event.  We met a great guy about six months back who had a brother die of CF 55 years ago.  We got him hooked into fundraising for CFF now.  He started a letter writing campaign in his brother's name and brought in about $17k in the last month.  Anyway, he is in the wine business and we decided to leverage that and have a wine tasting here in Naperville.  Aside from the walk in June, Naperville is lacking in events for CFF.  So, we are shooting for March on this.  We are also bringing back the Night at the Museum at the Dupage Children's Museum.  This was a great family night and we brought in a lot of money last year.  Shoot me an email at chris at if you can help out on either.


I like to have email that lets people know a little bit about me.  I use the  If you are interested in either the or, drop me an email at Chris at  I don't promote anything using it, I don't sell anything using it.  The email is managed through Google, so I can't view it.

HGTV Design on a Dime

This past summer, our family was featured on an episode of HGTV's Design on a Dime. They were looking to do a cause related show and they scouted both Chicago and LA for families related to different causes: vets, cancer related, etc. In the end, they picked Colin. It was a great experience. The designers, the camera guys, the producers all couldn't have been nicer. In the end, we had a great looking basement and we got CFF mentioned on national TV. Check out the pictures.

Horseshoe Casino's Casino Chicago

I am currently working on a committee for the 2008 poker tournament. This is probably my favorite event because it has a big gala feel to it but it's still casual and a lot of fun. This will be our fourth year for the event. The first yeah was at a small place called Kaliediscopes in Chicago. We planned for 300 people and really hoped we'd get about 200. We sold out.

2006 Accenture Tri for CFF

To Colin's Clan,

The Accenture Chicago Triathlon is coming up and a whole bunch of people are participating for me. My good friend Kevin Blake will be running his second triathlon for me, as will Uncle B and David Athens. My Uncle Mark and his neighbor Mick will be competing in their first Accenture Tri for me. My dad is going to be part of a relay team with another CF dad, Chris Horton, and the director of the Chicago CF office, Carolyn Cronin. They're all working really hard for this event, both by working out as well as fund raising. Please take a minute to read through all of this to see how you can help them help me.

Colin's Walk Letter from 2007

To Colin's Clan,

Dear Family and Friends,

It's almost time for our annual walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on June, 16th. We got a huge head start on our fundraising this year with a very successful event at the DuPage Children's Museum. Thank you again to all who attended and donated.

CF Slideshow from 2007 Poker Tournament

2007 CF Slideshow

Colin's CF Slideshow

Colin's CF Slideshow on YouTube

Colin's Walk Letter from 2006

Dear Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas, Neighbors, Friends, and Friends of Friends,

As most of you already know, my mom and dad are always trying to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to cure my CF. Dad says there are a lot of new drugs in development that are going to help me someday soon and that doctors and scientists are making great progress. Dad says progress is expensive and this is why we need your help.

Colin's Walk Letter from 2005

We’re coming up on our third Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis and the beginning of Colin’s third year of life with this disease. We pray for a better year and we really need your help to provide a better life for him, a life without this disease. You can't tell Colin has CF by looking at him and if I didn't tell you, it might be years before you knew. CF is a degenerative lung and digestive disease and over time, it will get worse until the lungs just fail. There currently is no cure. The disease is too small for pharmaceutical companies to invest time and money on. It’s not cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, but the end result is the same. We are the only way this disease is going to be cured. The money has to come from us. Some say that a cure is less than a decade away. Say you were a part of it.

A new CureCFNow/Colin's Clan

I'm making the jump to a new format for CureCFNow and Colin's Clan.  In the past, these were two separate things in two different places:  Colin's Clan had it's own website that I primarily used to fundraise when the yearly walk rolled around.  I'd spend too much time making new web pages and fitting them into the site.  CureCFNow, for lack of a direction, was pointed at the Charit-a-Bowl website run by Mike Kolassa.  With the new year, I thought I would try something a little different.  So, I am combining the two website for now into one blog-based site that will deal mostly with fundraising for CFF.  I am hoping this will make it a bit easier for me to post new events and new items as they come up instead of dreading having to put together a new page and then never getting around to posting it.

The first few posts here  will be out of order.  I am going to pull over the pages I had in Colin's Clan website and then retire that old site.  So, the first few posts will actually be from years past.

Finally,  they say that most blogs have a viewership of less than six people, including the author.  Not sure if this will be different or not, but I hope it will.