A new CureCFNow/Colin's Clan

I'm making the jump to a new format for CureCFNow and Colin's Clan.  In the past, these were two separate things in two different places:  Colin's Clan had it's own website that I primarily used to fundraise when the yearly walk rolled around.  I'd spend too much time making new web pages and fitting them into the site.  CureCFNow, for lack of a direction, was pointed at the Charit-a-Bowl website run by Mike Kolassa.  With the new year, I thought I would try something a little different.  So, I am combining the two website for now into one blog-based site that will deal mostly with fundraising for CFF.  I am hoping this will make it a bit easier for me to post new events and new items as they come up instead of dreading having to put together a new page and then never getting around to posting it.

The first few posts here  will be out of order.  I am going to pull over the pages I had in Colin's Clan website and then retire that old site.  So, the first few posts will actually be from years past.

Finally,  they say that most blogs have a viewership of less than six people, including the author.  Not sure if this will be different or not, but I hope it will.

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