Colin's Walk Letter from 2006

Dear Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas, Neighbors, Friends, and Friends of Friends,

As most of you already know, my mom and dad are always trying to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to cure my CF. Dad says there are a lot of new drugs in development that are going to help me someday soon and that doctors and scientists are making great progress. Dad says progress is expensive and this is why we need your help.

colin-at-3rd-bday.jpgI just turned three and this will be my 4th GREAT STRIDES walk in Naperville, can you believe that? All over the US in May and June, from Aunt Natalie’s house in Jersey to Uncle Kevin’s house in California, people are walking for GREAT STRIDES to help me and other kids with CF. GREAT STRIDES is the CFF’s largest and most successful national fund-raising event. This year, we will be walking in the Naperville GREAT STRIDES walk at the Riverwalk on June 10th. Please help me raise a lot of money so I don’t have to be sick any more, so I don’t have to do therapy every day, and so I don’t have to take pills every time I eat. Dad says we can raise $20,000.00 this year if we work hard. The money you give really helps me out. More than $.90 out of every dollar you contribute will be used to fund the vital research of the CF Foundation.

Colin’s Clan is making a very aggressive fundraising goal this year of $20,000.00. To reach this goal I need your help. When you receive this request, click the link below to donate, then please forward this email to 10 of your friends and ask them to donate to Colin’s Clan as well. Mom and Dad are going to send this to a minimum of 100 people. If they all forward it to 10 friends, that will be 1000 people. If we can do this all we need is $20 per person! Just think what we can do if we average $50 per person.

Making a donation is easy and secure! Just click the "Click to Donate" button on this page to make a donation. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated!

On June 10th, I’ll be at the Riverwalk at 9:00 AM. I hope you can come out and walk with me. If you can’t, please stop by our house later in the day for our walk party. Directions are on my Home Page linked below. Mom will send out details soon too. I know we can do it. You can make a difference in my life and the lives of those with CF! Thank you for supporting the CF Foundation and GREAT STRIDES!

Thank you,

Colin Walsh

Megan, Allison, Trisha, and Chris

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