Colin's Walk Letter from 2007

To Colin's Clan,

Dear Family and Friends,

It's almost time for our annual walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on June, 16th. We got a huge head start on our fundraising this year with a very successful event at the DuPage Children's Museum. Thank you again to all who attended and donated.

colin2007.jpgColin is now 4 years old and just finishing his first year of pre-school. He loves being outside, swimming, and riding in his jeep. Because of the CF, we have had a tough year trying to get Colin to gain weight, but we feel we are on the right track now. Trisha and I went to Washington DC in March for a national research update on CF. We received an update on the therapies in the pipeline and all of the work being done to find a cure! The time and money we are all providing is making a difference and we couldn't do it without help from all of you.

Once again, we will be walking at the Naperville Riverwalk on Saturday, June 16th. Registration is at 9:00 AM and the walk kicks off at 10:00 AM. It will be a great day with lots of food and fun! OR, if that is too early, we will holding our "Thank You" party at our house starting at 5:00 PM, with a lot more food, fun, and raffles! If you are coming out, we ask that you come for one or the other. Trying to do both is a long day.

So, come join us at either the walk or the party on June 16th. We can't wait to see you there.

Thank you so very much for helping find a cure for cystic fibrosis,

Chris, Trisha, Colin, Megan, and Allison Walsh

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