Horseshoe Casino's Casino Chicago

I am currently working on a committee for the 2008 poker tournament. This is probably my favorite event because it has a big gala feel to it but it's still casual and a lot of fun. This will be our fourth year for the event. The first yeah was at a small place called Kaliediscopes in Chicago. We planned for 300 people and really hoped we'd get about 200. We sold out.

The entire event is very well run and very professional. We truck the tables with shuffles built in up from Vegas. After the second year, Horseshoe Casino in Hammond came on as the title sponsor and they have been nothing but fantastic to CFF. We ask for it and they deliver, and with a smile. Last year, they brought a busload of dealers, ice sculptures, and money.

So, this is the fourth year. We moved from our original spot in year one to the Sofitel on Rush in years two and three. We outgrew that fast last year and now we are on to the Marriott Downtown Michigan Avenue. It has a 800-900 person capacity if I recall. We will be adding a large amount of casino games to our poker tournament this year, so we may double the number of people. Plus, we are adding 100 seats to poker, bringing it up to 400 total. Check out all of the details at

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